ALL members of Alcoholics Anonymous are Welcome!
Please join this virtual event to discuss and vote on agenda items for the 75th General Service Conference this Spring.
ALL members of AA have a voice and a vote - this is where we instruct our Delegate how to vote on a number of agenda items. This is where each of us have a chance to understand and be part of the process and decision making.
Please contact your GSR or DCM for access info for the meetings and the supporting materials posted at https://www.area84aa.org/sharing-session
District Committee Members (DCMs)
DCM District 1 Nipissing-North Bay
DCM District 2 Sudbury
DCM District 3 Sault Ste Marie-Algoma
DCM District 4 Temiskaming-Cochrane
DCM District 5 North Shore
DCM District 6 Manitoulin & Espanola