Area Committee Meeting
Saturday 01 June 2024, 10:00
Hits : 4309
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All DCMs and Area Committee Members - Area 84 Zoom Meeting Address
9:00am-10:00am - Please join us for a Workshop on Emotional Sobriety - Many thanks to Peter K.
Procedures for Virtual Area Meeting
- Meeting will start at 10am, and to keep it as brief as possible, please keep your reports to 3 to 5 minutes, with the exception of the Delegate.
- Raise hands and be recognized by the Chair to speak, as always.
- If what you want to say has already been said, pass and let it move on.
- Where possible, debate on a topic will be held to 20 minutes.
Location Zoom Meeting
Agenda and Zoom details have been sent out. Please contact your DCM or the Area Chair if you haven't received them.