The answering service provides an Alcoholics Anonymous listing in the local telephone directory. As the answering service receives inquiries from those seeking help, it may refer callers to a nearby AA meeting or may have a member contact them. The responsibility of some answering services falls exclusively on AA members while others hire a commercial service which answers the phone and connects callers to an AA group or AA contact.


Northeastern Ontario Answering Service Phone Numbers


telephoneNipissing - North Bay
705 474 7940


705 674 6217


Algoma - Sault Ste. Marie
705 254 1312


District 4 - Cochrane/Temiskaming
705 288 5835


District 6 - Manitoulin - Espanola
705 210 2135

North Shore (Elliot Lake, Blind River, Spanish, Massey, Cutler, Iron Bridge)
705 207 0905